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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Examinig Variety in Organizational Behavior Research: Psychological Differences Between Respondents to Clasical and Internet Survey
Author Mestdagh, S., Buelens, M.
Source SAM / IFSAM VIIth World Congeres, 5-7 July, 2004, Goteborg, Sweden
Year 2004
Access date 17.08.2004
Abstract The Internet has become a widespread tool in organizational research. Often, respondents are given the coice of either filling in an online or a pen-and-paper version of survey. However, through mechanisms self-selection, their respective response preferences might reflect psychological differences. In this study, differences in relevant dimensions of organizational behavior are therefore examined among respondents who had the option of either filling in an online or a traditional pen-and-paper version of a large-scale survey (N=5853). Participants in both groups were mostly professional workers. Controlled for demographic variables, our results suggest that those who responded over the Internet place higher importance on opportunities for the pen-and-paper version. Moreover, Internet respondents appeared to be less satisfied with the content of their jobs and with their bosses. They also reported less compulsive work addiction, fewer health complaints, and less work-to-familiy conflict. The results incline us to conclude that Internet respondents more closely represent the image of the modern professional workforce, as often characterized in terms of shifting psychological contracts, values and career expectations.
Year of publication2004
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - Other (439)
